Fuddy Development Process – Third Month

Avellaneda Agustín


Reflections on an Intense Month at the Fuddy Project

These were the lessons that I can highlight among many from the development and release process of Fuddy's Alpha

  • 1st Lesson: Dynamic Planning Advance planning is vital, but it must be dynamic and adaptable to changes, improvements and moments of team members. Flexibility becomes our ally.

  • 2nd Lesson: Keep the Vision and Mission in Focus Keeping the vision and mission at the forefront makes it easier to break down, team motivation and coordination. They are the beacons that guide our path, even in the most challenging moments.

  • 3rd Lesson: Importance of Team The team revealed itself as key in creation, innovation and development. Carefully choosing key members, giving them space and keeping them motivated, It was essential to overcome obstacles.

  • 4th Lesson: Structure in Development Not only the breakdown, but also the order of development of the key points and their structure are vital. Organization in execution makes the difference in the efficiency of the process.

  • 5th Lesson: The Importance of Not Giving Up Failure is a possibility, but not an option. In searching for the ideal team and validating the project, I faced doubts and criticism. The team's resilience and joint work were essential. I thank those who trusted in what Fuddy could be.

Next Chapter: Fuddy's Imminent Release

With these lessons learned, The countdown to Fuddy's release is underway. We are excited to share our project with the world!

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