Reflections on my Experience in the No-Country Tech Job Simulation
For a month and a week, I had the privilege of participating in No-Country's "Tech Job Simulation", where I applied for the Tech Lead role. Although I didn't get that role, I had the opportunity to collaborate as a Front-End Dev, an experience that turned out to be incredibly enriching.
The first week was marked by some personal setbacks that affected my attention and communication. However, from the second week onwards, I was able to fully immerse myself in the project, actively contributing to its architecture, in collaboration with my teammates.
During the course of the project, we faced some challenges, such as the defection of two of the four initial members of the Front-End team, as well as delays due to individual problems of our colleague in charge of UX/UI. Despite these obstacles, the team's enthusiasm and determination prevailed, demonstrating our ability to adapt and overcome any adversity.
Keeping in mind the limitations, inconveniences, communication and pressure perhaps of the members for being their first experiences in multi-role teams, I consider it to be a success at the work level, networking, and as a tool for inserting early talents.
*Motivates non-experienced to be part of a development group without exerting the pressure of a work environment with limits and obligations. *Creates the possibility of meeting people of equal and/or greater experience, creating bonds of friendship that can transcend the simulation. * It opens the door to not being limited by ideas and generates an environment of obligatory collaboration. *Allows you to explore your own limitations and understand the value of collaboration with other roles. *Although they are not projects for "clients" as such, they are projects that can go into the portfolio of each participant since it is an enriching experience. *Flexibility of schedules and tasks, key for people who do not have an IT job and cannot leave their non-IT job for a simulation. *The "Demo Day" was a magnificent experience, it allows you to show your work, and tell the team's experience in its development. The participation of the Founder generates a closeness with No-Country, which I find incredible.
Weak points:
*The lack of a leveling structure to generate the environment of effective communication. *I believe that each role should be given tools that allow for a work structure to generate an idea closer to reality about how one could perform in a real job. *The number of speakers is a problem, In our case they were quite a few, not enough to abandon the project but to affect performance and timing.
Conclusion: In summary, My experience in the No-Country job simulation was both challenging and rewarding. Although I didn't get the role I initially sought, the opportunity to collaborate as a Front-End Dev allowed me to grow professionally and make valuable connections. I look forward to participating in future editions and continuing to learn and grow in the field of technology.
I thank my C-17-11-t team, for their support, not giving up and creating this small but successful final product.
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